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Win gift vouchers of FCUK for FREE brings the chance for you to win gift vouchers of French Connection UK (FCUK) and be the next fashion icon. Play this game and win a shopping spree you have always wished for at FCUK absolutely FREE.


There are Three winners* in this game:

  •   Person with the Unique timestamp when the time ends: Wins

  •  The person who Grabbed it the most time when the time ends:  Wins  

  •  If your invited person is the Unique grabber: You win also


Before you begin ensure the following: (Mandatory)

1. An active account on Facebook OR An active account on Twitter.

2. An active profile with your full legal name and your picture on WishFree.

3. You have read the terms and conditions of the game.


Now, follow these steps to win the voucher from FCUK:

1. Click on Grab.

2. Enter the letters shown in the dialogue box.

3. Share on Twitter/Facebook. You DO NOT have to enter a custom message, you MAY share the one already showing.

4. Click the button that says "Proceed" to proceed for the next GRAB (Get the most in the given time). 


All the best people! Play Hard! Game on!

* last unique grabber - Last Unique Grabber is the person who grabs the prize in a time frame unique from others. For example if there are three people who grabbed at 9:59, two people who grabbed it at 9:58 but one person grabbed it at 9:57. The person who grabbed it at 9:57 is the Unique grabber.

*The prize is worth $50 US Dollars/winner

*Countries/Cities where this prize does not apply, US $50/winner will be awarded.