How to Play and Win
So here is how it works people. What you need to know is that you can win more than
one prize because:
- 1You win if you
have the most grabs.
- 2You win if you
are the last Unique Grabber
- 3And you win if any of your invited friends win
(you also need to be playing the game to be eligible for this).
Before you begin ensure the following: (Mandatory)
- An active account on Facebook OR An active account on Twitter.
- An active profile with your picture on WishFree.
- You have read the terms and conditions of the game.
Now, follow these steps to achieve a GRAB:
All the best people! Play Hard! Game on!
* last unique grabber - Last Unique Grabber is the person who grabs the prize in
a time frame unique from others. For example if there are three people who grabbed
at 9:59, two people who grabbed it at 9:58 but one person grabbed it at 9:57. The
person who grabbed it at 9:57 is the Unique grabber.